Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Currently Reading #18

Well everyone, the time has come for a new Currently Reading list to rise from the ashes of the previous one. Let us get started!

The theme for this list will be Hype Catch-Up. This is probably the longest list I have every attempted, but hopefully it'll be a good one. This list is a lot of the most hyped up books of this year that I have not yet gotten to. So without further ado, here are the stars of the list!:

1. Taken by Storm (Raised by Wolves 3) - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
2. Insurgent (Divergent #2) - Veronica Roth
3. Pandemonium (Delirium #2) - Lauren Oliver
4. Fever (The Chemical Garden #2) - Lauren DeStephano
5. Partials (Partials #1) - Dan Wells
6. Immortal City (Immortal City #1) - Scott Speer
7. Struck (Struck #1) - Jennifer Bosworth
8. Dark Eyes - William Richter
9. Portrait of a Starter (Starters #0.5) and Starters (Starters #1) - Lissa Price
10. Until I Die (Revenants #2) - Amy Plum
11. Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris
12. I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) - Barry Lyga
13. The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) - Julie Kagawa
14. Slide (Slide #1) - Jill Hathaway
15. Bewitching (Kendra Chronicles #2) - Alex Flinn
16. Croak (Croak #1) - Gina Damico
17. The Selection (The Selection #1) - Kiera Cass
18. Illuminate (Gilded Wings #1) - Aimee Agresti

Damn, that is a LOT of books! Hope they are all good and worth every bit of hype they got.

Until next time, viva la literature!                    

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