Sunday, May 8, 2011

Review #8: The Help by Katheryn Stockett

Hello my literary comrades! It's only been mere minutes since we've last seen each other but I'm back with another review. This time it's The Help by Katheryn Stockett. Lets get started! :)

The Help is about three women in early 60's Mississippi. It's about women named Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter, and the friendship they form while working on a secret writing project.

I loved how complicated and yet simple the story was. You truly get pulled into this world that Stockett has set up. She explained the politics, spoken and unspoken, perfectly. She has weaved such a tale that is almost soap opera style. 

The characters were fantastic. I loved Skeeter, Aibileen and Minny. All three had such distinctive personalities. I particularly loved Aibileen and Skeeter, and the friendship they created throughout the novel. They went from cordial acquaintances to good friends. And Minny was just downright awesome. I loved her brassiness, but she also knew when to hold it back. Also Celia Foote was fascinating to read. Her and her husband Johnny.  Hilly, like I said, was deliciously evil. I wanted to smack her and try and change her ways, but like Aibileen said, she was in her own kind of prison. 

All in all a fantastic book, I can't wait to see how the movie turns out

Until next time my comrades

Viva la literature!

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