Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kickass Links You Should Check Out

Hello my lovely literary comrades! How are ya? Good? Lovely! Anyway I decided to do something different today. I saw on a friend's blog a post showing awesome links to different book related sites. So I decided to use the idea knowing he wouldn't mind (you don't mind do you? I hope not) because it's a good one. :)

So here are some great literature-related links that are very helpful and fun:

1.Goodreads: If you love reading as much as I do, this is the site for ya. You can create personal shelves, make friends, join a group or two of like minded people, etc. Basically it's Facebook for books. Plus you can friend and interact with various authors on there and win books. How awesome it that? Damn awesome I think :). So for all sorts of literature related fun, go to this site.

2. Inkmesh:If you have an eReader, like me, then you will love this site. It's basically a search engine for strictly books. Free books, cheap books, any ebook really. Plus if you like them of Facebook you'll get updates on what's new and what was added. Case in point, you'll love this if you have an eReader.

3. Raising eBook Awareness: This is another awesome thing run by a friend of mine, but it's also a good page to check out. She, and other members of the page, post various books that are cheap or free for any eReader, which is nice. Plus it's very personal and warm. Check it out, you won't regret it. 

4. Literature Map: Found out about this site from my friend who inspired this post. It's a fantastic site, it really is. If you're looking for new books and authors to read and love, type in an author you already read, and it'll create a map based on that person with names of other authors who are similar and you might like. Seriously, it's kick ass. Check it out.

5. The Bookshelf: This is the person who inspired me to make this post. He says I inspired him to make his blog, which is extremely flattering. I'm normally no one's inspiration, so it truly means a lot for someone to make a blog because they loved mine so much. Anyway he has good reviews and is funny and great with them.  Much love to ya my friend! :)

6. Rhodes Review: Yet another one of my friends with a great site. I know it seems like I did this just to promote my friends, but honest to Patterson, they have great sites that they run and are fantastic reviewers and such. They deserve every bit of recognition they get. I digress. Rhodes Review is a great sire for reviews, interviews, etc. You'll enjoy it well :)

7. The Crooked Bookshelf: I found this person while Googling Divergent book reviews (can you tell I'm obsessed? XD) Her reviews are funny and refreshing and just plain good) I've followed her reviews ever since. So should you, she's a great reviewer. 

Well, that's all I've got for now. Still reading To Kill a Warlock. It is damned good so far. Will talk more about it in my later review. 

Until next time comrades

Viva la literature!

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